Friday, May 13, 2016

Write What You Know; I Know I'm Old . . . -ish

Here's the opening from a piece I did for Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly, titled "Faith and fulfillment during 'Act III'":

The numbers don’t lie, but they can offer a false sense of security.
If I’m “only” 50, then I’m middle-aged, right? Yes and, probably, no.
Yes, that’s the common term for anyone that age; but no, it’s not likely you’re at the halfway point in your life. That’s in your rearview mirror.
These days, “young” can slide all the way up to 40, and it’s commonly accepted that “middle-aged” is 40 to 60. But 60-plus is ...
Uh oh.
Some say 60 to 80 is “young old.” And 80 and up is “old old.” That makes sense, and not just because those in their 80s consider those in their 60s “pups.”
But the truth is, those of us who don’t die young or middle-aged will, at some point, begin to realize — and grudgingly accept — that the curtain has opened on our personal Act III.
And there we are: center stage.
 You can find the rest here. (And speaking of rest, I believe I'll go take a little nap.)

Just keep writing.

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